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5 Ways to be a COVID-19 Community Hero from Home
We are all clear on one thing; front liners who are putting their lives at risk while keeping us safe during COVID-19 outbreak command our utmost respect and support. But if you are one of many people who have been asked to ‘just stay home’, how can you help?
Whilst you may be grateful to be home safe, you too can do your part. Right now, more than ever, people in your network and community likely needs love, empathy and compassion to keep morale high at a difficult time.
Living in isolation isn’t easy, especially if we are concerned about our love ones who might be miles away from us. Adapting our lives to deal with the changes caused by the pandemic is a real challenge. As COVID-19 sweeps across the world, it is causing widespread concern about the impact on our emotional health, as well as the physical.
Here are some of the ways you can help and care for each other in the midst of coronavirus outbreak.
1. Look after your body and mind
It’s essential to look after ourselves and do specific measures the government and public health imposed to keep you and your family healthy. It is your responsibility to boost your own physical and mental defences by eating healthy food, staying hydrated all the time, getting enough sleep, exercising, practising good hygiene, be mindful of physical distancing and staying positive.
By doing this, you can help the community and flatten the pandemic curve!
2. Make physical distancing interactive and fun!
You and some members of your family and friends might be on a different part of the world or experiencing ‘community quarantine’. Being far away from home, or not having a physical contact doesn’t mean we can’t feel close with the people who matter to us while in isolation. Have a video chat, play online games together, celebrate their birthdays or other occasions through different video chat apps or you could even collaborate with them on their TikTok channels! There are loads of ideas and online resources available out there for free whether you want to zone out for a bit, or get active. Be creative!
3. Acts of kindness
Unexpected kindness is powerful, and could always create a greater good and help others through your own little ways. If you know someone who has been laid off from work perhaps you could offer to review their CV, or connect them with your network to increase their chances of finding a new job. Donate to a reputable charity or join a fundraising activity. You might know somebody in self-isolation is lonely, or unable to leave their homes. Offer to deliver some groceries they need to continue their everyday lives or support food bank online by spreading awareness through social media. These simple gestures to realise they’re not alone and you will be there for them through call, text away or through social channels could be a silver lining. Sharing is caring!
4. Combat the ‘infodemic’ spread
As coronavirus spreads, so does ‘fake news’, what has been labelled as the ‘infodemic’ by World Health Organization.Fake news can be alarming and cause unnecessary stress. This is why checking the source is so important. To help combat this, if you see something that doesn’t seem credible, you can report it to the platform on which it appears. You can also guide your family and friends to trusted health sources like World Health Organization, and your government health websites.
You can also do your bit to uplift those in your network by sharing positive stories and reasons to remain hopeful.
5. Practice gratitude
With the current battle we are fighting now, there’s no better weapon than gratitude. Amidst all the doom and gloom, being grateful every day is a gift you can give to yourself, and the effects will rub off on your loved ones. Some days will be harder than others, but there is always something to be grateful for, however small.
You may not feel like you can do a whole lot, but remember, a little kindness can go a long way.
What ideas do you have to make a difference whilst remaining at home?